The Myopia Is Mental


Myopia Is Mental - Learn To Throw Away Your Glasses
Wouldn’t it be great to have an online community for those that want to improve their eyesight that was positive, supportive, and encouraging?

Join The Myopia Is Mental Community

This will be a dedicated community where you can learn, talk, share, be encouraged and encourage others improving their eyesight naturally.

Here’s just a small taste of what’s in the community:

Learn tips that you won’t find anywhere else, straight from someone who understands and has been through the journey.

Founding members Pre-launch price: $10.00 per month


$100 per year

After pre-launch the price will increase to

$15.00 per month (that’s only $0.50 per day)


$143.00 per year (2.5 months are free!)

Subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime, but there are no refunds.

Vision Is more than your eyes!
Myopia Is Mental - Learn To Throw Away Your Glasses!

You Do Not have to live a life with glasses or contacts.

You CAN Take Charge of YOUR Eyesight!

Enter your name and email address below to get access to the free Basic Journey Guide, and learn how to improve vision naturally.

BJG Subscription Form (#47)

Almost done! After you click the button below, an email will be sent to:

Click the confirmation link to confirm and create your account. 

By entering your details on this form, you will be requesting access to our free Basic Journey Guide Course by Mark Warren. To get access, you will need to confirm your email address. Your privacy is important to us and the information you submit here will never be passed on, shared or sold on to any other third party.